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🌱 VegMod

Documentation relating to the spooni_vegmod.

1. Installation

spooni_vegmod works Standalone.

  • Download the resource
  • Drag and drop the resource into your resources folder
    • spooni_vegmod
  • Add this ensure in your server.cfg
      ensure spooni_vegmod
  • At the end, restart the server

If you have any problems, you can always open a ticket in the Spooni Discord.

2. Usage

This tool allows you to change the vegetation on the map.

3. For developers

Config = {}

Config.DevMode = true

--Veg Modifiers Flags
local Debris = 1
local Grass = 2
local Bush = 4
local Weed = 8
local Flower = 16
local Sapling = 32
local Tree = 64
local Rock = 128
local LongGrass = 256
local AllFlags = Debris + Grass + Bush + Weed + Flower + Sapling + Tree + Rock + LongGrass

-- Veg Modifier Types
local VMT_Cull = 1
local VMT_Flatten = 2
local VMT_FlattenDeepSurface = 4
local VMT_Explode = 8
local VMT_Push = 16
local VMT_Decal = 32
local AllModifiers = VMT_Cull + VMT_Flatten + VMT_FlattenDeepSurface + VMT_Explode + VMT_Push + VMT_Decal

Config.VegZones = {
    { -- spooni_sd_farming Hall
        coords = vector3(2683.269, -840.933, 42.300), -- Coords
        radius = 10.0, -- Radius
        distance = 50.0, -- View Distance
        vegmod = { flag = AllFlags, type = AllModifiers,} -- Veg Modifiers Flags/Types
    { -- spooni_sd_farming Office
        coords = vector3(2694.118, -851.498, 42.312),
        radius = 5.0,
        distance = 50.0,
        vegmod = { flag = AllFlags, type = AllModifiers,}