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🧩 Prop Loader

Documentation relating to the spooni_prop_loader.

1. Installation

spooni_prop_loader works Standalone.

To install spooni_prop_loader:

  • Download the resource
  • Drag and drop the resource into your resources folder
    • spooni_prop_loader
  • Add this ensure in your server.cfg
      ensure spooni_prop_loader
  • Now you can configure the script as you like
    • config.lua
  • At the end, restart the server

If you have any problems, you can always open a ticket in the Spooni Discord.

2. Usage

The script provides an efficient method for loading objects within a polyzone, which significantly improves performance. Unlike traditional methods, it is no longer necessary to use XMLs, which simplifies and speeds up the development process. However, it should be noted that doors do not work with this script and the placement of house props is not recommended. MLOs can be mapped without any problems.

3. For developers

Config = {}

Config.DevMode = true

local glm = require "glm"

Config.Zones = {
        name = "annesburg-apple-tree", -- name of the zone
        thickness = 20, -- height
        debug = true, -- debug drawing of the points and walls of the zone
        point =
                vec3(3001.654541015625, 1399.3458251953125, 43.19),
                vec3(2998.39990234375, 1393.282958984375, 43.19),
                vec3(2991.999267578125, 1395.465576171875, 43.19),
                vec3(2994.195556640625, 1401.05322265625, 43.19),
        objects = {
                model = `p_tree_apple_01`,
                coords = vec3(2996.754638, 1396.794067, 43.584380),
                rotation = vec3(0.000000,0.000000,0.000000),
        name = "sd-apple-tree",
        thickness = 20,
        debug = true,
        point =
                vec3(2388.52685546875, -1365.8651123046875, 44.60),
                vec3(2393.53857421875, -1358.3861083984375, 44.60),
                vec3(2400.209716796875, -1362.7315673828125, 44.60),
                vec3(2396.250732421875, -1370.1510009765625, 44.60),
        objects = {
                model = `p_tree_apple_01`,
                coords = vec3(2395.054443359375, -1364.2969970703125, 45.21649169921875),
                rotation = vec3(0.000000,0.000000,0.000000),