🏠 Pronghorn Ranch
Documentation relating to the spooni_pronghorn_ranch.
1. Installation
spooni_pronghorn_ranch works Standalone.
To install spooni_pronghorn_ranch:
- Download the resource
- Drag and drop the resource into your resources folder
- Add this ensure in your server.cfg
ensure spooni_pronghorn_ranch
- At the end, restart the server
If you have any problems, you can always open a ticket in the Spooni Discord.
2. For developers
Main House | Doorhashes |
Front Door | [218846865] = {218846865, -542955242, "p_door04x", -2569.469970703125, 352.8999938964844, 150.5337371826172} |
Back Door | [639207597] = {639207597, -542955242, "p_door04x", -2579.75537109375, 344.6000061035156, 150.54786682128906} |
Side Door | [1012217124] = {1012217124, -542955242, "p_door04x", -2569.469970703125, 335.9700012207031, 150.54786682128906} |
Garage Door | [450490926] = {450490926, -542955242, "p_door04x", -2555.6513671875, 353.86065673828125, 150.56329345703125} |
Office Door | [3215851701] = {3215851701, -1335979469, "p_door_prong_mans01x", -2576.21142578125, 341.8194580078125, 153.72999572753906} |
1st Bedroom Door | [3517031576] = {3517031576, -542955242, "door04x", -2572.139892578125, 340.30999755859375, 153.72999572753906} |
2nd Bedroom Door | [3437730596] = {3437730596, -542955242, "p_door04x", -2564.1298828125, 340.3299865722656, 153.74000549316406} |
Worker House | Doorhashes |
Front Door | [982192611] = {982192611, -542955242, "p_door04x", -2586.366455078125, 439.4800109863281, 146.97999572753906} |
Back Door | [2413608077] = {2413608077, -542955242, "p_door04x", -2597.543212890625, 431.73358154296875, 146.953125} |
Middle Door | [1627774680] = {1627774680, -542955242, "p_door04x", -2597.52294921875, 436.8750915527344, 146.9471435546875} |