📍 Job Blips
Documentation relating to the spooni_job_blips.
1. Installation
spooni_job_blips works only with VORP.
To install spooni_job_blips:
- Download the resource
- On Github
- Drag and drop the resource into your resources folder
- Add this ensure in your server.cfg
ensure spooni_job_blips
- Now you can configure and translate the script as you like
- At the end, restart the server
If you have any problems, you can always open a ticket in the Spooni Discord.
2. Usage
Go to a configured blip and interact with the prompt. The color of the blip then changes.
3. For developers
Config = {}
Config.DevMode = true
Config.Locale = 'en' -- en, de
Config.Key = 0x760A9C6F -- G
Config.Blips = {
name = 'Sheriff Valentine',
coords = vector3(-277.847, 807.4005, 119.38),
radius = 1.5,
sprite = 1047294027, -- blip
colors = { online = 'BLIP_MODIFIER_MP_COLOR_8', --[[Green]] offline = 'BLIP_MODIFIER_MP_COLOR_32', --[[White]] },
jobs = { 'sheriff','marshal' },
notify = true, -- global notify when the status changes
name = 'Sheriff Blackwater',
coords = vector3(-768.043, -1267.01, 44.053),
radius = 1.5,
sprite = 1047294027,
colors = { online = 'BLIP_MODIFIER_MP_COLOR_8', --[[Green]] offline = 'BLIP_MODIFIER_MP_COLOR_32', --[[White]] },
jobs = { 'police','marshal' },
notify = true,
needJob = false,