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🏠 Mac Farlane's Ranch

Documentation relating to the spooni_mac_farlanes_ranch.

1. Installation

spooni_mac_farlanes_ranch works Standalone.

To install spooni_mac_farlanes_ranch:

  • Download the resource
  • Drag and drop the resource into your resources folder
    • spooni_mac_farlanes_ranch
  • Add this ensure in your server.cfg
      ensure spooni_mac_farlanes_ranch
  • At the end, restart the server

If you have any problems, you can always open a ticket in the Spooni Discord.

2. For developers

Main HouseDoorhashes
Front Door[-1990115575] = {-1990115575, -1819321039, "p_door13x", -2325.498046875, -2405.11181640625, 62.84763717651367}
[1163507447] = {1163507447, -1819321039, "p_door13x", -2323.67333984375, -2406.33740234375, 62.84763717651367}
Back Door[1085091234] = {1085091234, -1819321039, "p_door13x", -2312.19140625, -2395.21923828125, 62.83552551269531}
Balcony Door[705691752] = {705691752, -1819321039, "p_door13x", -2325.50244140625, -2405.10986328125, 66.06370544433594}
Bath Door[1776348942] = {1776348942, -494116837, "p_door35x", -2322.536865234375, -2399.276611328125, 66.04515075683594}
Office Door[-906379211] = {-906379211, -494116837, "p_door35x", -2321.8115234375, -2398.24609375, 66.0451431274414}
Bedroom Door[-141943979] = {-141943979, -494116837, "p_door35x", -2318.79736328125, -2397.65478515625, 66.04554748535156}
Door[696123196] = {696123196, 2214546311,"p_door41x", -2347.0178222656, -2384.8833007813, 61.705856323242}
Door[320262766] = {320262766, 2214546311,"p_door41x", -2342.5104980469, -2376.6284179688, 61.640892028809}
Door[781945211] = {781945211, 3711807914,"p_door46x", -2355.0827636719, -2363.4555664063, 61.722068786621}
Door[848658552] = {848658552, 3752012054,"p_door04x", -2374.8913574219, -2365.1193847656, 61.462585449219}
DoorComing Soon...