🎡 Ferris Wheel
Documentation relating to the spooni_ferriswheel.
1. Installation
spooni_ferriswheel works Standalone.
To install spooni_ferriswheel:
- Download the resource
- On Github
- Drag and drop the resource into your resources folder
- Add this ensure in your server.cfg
ensure spooni_ferriswheel
- Now you can configure and translate the script as you like
- At the end, restart the server
If you have any problems, you can always open a ticket in the Spooni Discord.
2. Usage
With the Ferris Wheel, up to 4 players per gondola can ride a Ferris wheel and enjoy the view.
3. For developers
Config = {}
Config.Keys = {
Seat1 = { Text = 'Seat 1', NameHash = 'INPUT_EMOTE_TWIRL_GUN_VAR_B' },
Seat2 = { Text = 'Seat 2', NameHash = 'INPUT_EMOTE_TWIRL_GUN_VAR_A' },
Seat3 = { Text = 'Seat 3', NameHash = 'INPUT_EMOTE_TWIRL_GUN_VAR_D' },
Seat4 = { Text = 'Seat 4', NameHash = 'INPUT_EMOTE_TWIRL_GUN_VAR_C' },
GetOut = { Text = 'Leave seat', NameHash = 'INPUT_INTERACT_OPTION1' },
Config.Locations = {
{ -- Saint Denis
DistanceSpawn = 490,
Coords = vector3(2393.718506, -1357.584839, 64.577484),
Rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 59.00),