🏠 Emerald Ranch
Documentation relating to the spooni_emerald_ranch.
1. Installation
spooni_emerald_ranch works Standalone.
To install spooni_emerald_ranch:
- Download the resource
- Drag and drop the resource into your resources folder
- Add this ensure in your server.cfg
ensure spooni_emerald_ranch
- At the end, restart the server
If you have any problems, you can always open a ticket in the Spooni Discord.
2. For developers
Main House | Doorhashes |
Front Door | [514990782] = {514990782, 1081626861, "p_door_wglass01x", 1459.91162109375, 320.8999938964844, 89.56963348388672} |
Back Door | [1246165479] = {1246165479, 1081626861, "p_door_wglass01x", 1468.1446533203125, 318.4425048828125, 89.56876373291016} |
Side Door | [274433553] = {274433553, 1081626861, "p_door_wglass01x", 1458.3499755859375, 310.6000061035156, 89.54328155517578} |
Livingroom Door | [3625293190] = {3625293190, -1800129672, "p_door36x", 1466.2840576171875, 312.7799987792969, 89.5716781616211} |
Bathroom Door | [3857658169] = {3857658169, -1800129672, "p_door36x", 1462.0450439453125, 315.4599914550781, 92.99974822998047} |
Bedroom Door | [903434508] = {903434508, -1800129672, "p_door36x", 1467.0634765625, 315.2513122558594, 93.00292205810547} |
Storageroom Door | [4065643012] = {4065643012, -1800129672, "p_door36x", 1462.949951171875, 312.8179931640625, 93.00298309326172} |
Worker House | Doorhashes |
Front Door (L) | [3567554255] = {3567554255, -1497029950, "p_door37x", 1441.9375, 355.8080139160156, 87.49385833740234} |
Front Door (R) | [3716063363] = {3716063363, -1497029950, "p_door37x", 1441.976806640625, 348.44000244140625, 87.49197387695312} |
Side Door | [41511544] = {41511544, -1497029950, "p_door37x", 1442.448974609375, 341.1289978027344, 87.61499786376953} |
Saloon | Doorhashes |
Front Door | [1870577073] = {1870577073, -542955242, "p_door04x", 1445.011962890625, 368.64898681640625, 88.91000366210938} |
Back Door | [2142789156] = {2142789156, -542955242, "p_door04x", 1452.5460205078125, 375.6789855957031, 88.92430114746094} |
General Store | Doorhashes |
Front Door | [3958017712] = {3958017712, -2080420985, "p_door41x", 1422.5834960938, 377.08242797852, 89.005500793457} |
Back Door | [220516644] = {220516644, -312814636, "p_door44x", 1417.6267089844, 381.5114440918, 88.978950500488} |
Blacksmith | Doorhashes |
Front Door | [970708695] = {970708695, 233569385, "p_door_barn02", 1436.5, 269.4800109863281, 89.38999938964844} [1209365322] = {1209365322, 233569385, "p_door_barn02", 1432.1199951171875, 268.6400146484375, 89.38201904296875} |