🏠 St. Denis Brewery
Documentation relating to the spooni_sd_brewery.
1. Installation
spooni_sd_brewery works Standalone.
To install spooni_sd_brewery:
- Download the resource
- Drag and drop the resource into your resources folder
- Add this ensure in your server.cfg
ensure spooni_sd_brewery
- At the end, restart the server
If you have any problems, you can always open a ticket in the Spooni Discord.
2. For developers
Ground Floor | Doorhashes |
Front Door | [2460055482] = {2460055482, 541633066, "p_doorbrafrench02lx", 2659.367919921875, -1152.21630859375, 50.15682983398437} [189349292] = {189349292, 1707793145, "p_doorbrafrench02rx", 2658.4033203125, -1151.251708984375, 50.15682983398437} |
Back Door | [2536002928] = {2536002928, -1866470762, "p_doorrhosheriff02x", 2650.61181640625, -1176.3577880859375, 52.29500579833984} |
Side Door | [4191492804] = {4191492804, -610439206, "p_doorbrafrench00lx", 2639.10986328125, -1150.9677734375, 50.55032348632812} [1805942369] = {1805942369, -484508503, "p_doorbrafrench00rx", 2639.109130859375, -1152.3277587890625, 50.55032348632812} |
Gate Door | [2297116918] = {2297116918, 423645650, "p_door_van_carriage01x", 2660.03125, -1176.1866455078125, 51.99588775634765} [2057673835] = {2057673835, 423645650, "p_door_van_carriage01x", 2660.0126953125, -1171.997802734375, 51.99588775634765} |
Garage Door | [2771841421] = {2771841421, 265852654, "p_door_val_genstore_bell", 2654.07763671875, -1171.1802978515625, 50.62092590332031} |
Office Door | [1374276332] = {1374276332, 160636303, "p_door_val_bank00_lx", 2642.916748046875, -1168.400634765625, 50.34144592285156} |
Staircase Door | [1135619705] = {1135619705, 1650744725, "p_door33x", 2645.420166015625, -1166.78466796875, 50.34034729003906} |
1st Floor | Doorhashes |
Staircase Balcony Door | [1846914723] = {1846914723, -1064149940, "p_doorbrafrench01lx", 2640.75439453125, -1170.8690185546875, 56.84817504882812} |
Apartment 1 Door | [869579294] = {869579294, -1858047034, "p_door54x", 2653.6669921875, -1159.123779296875, 55.06018829345703} |
Apartment 2 Door | [899530156] = {899530156, -1858047034, "p_door54x", 2653.85400390625, -1154.1820068359375, 55.06018829345703} |
Corridor Balcony Door | [593500465] = {593500465, 2086973760, "p_door_nbx_art01x_l", 2658.4921875, -1151.6263427734375, 55.25062561035156} [282915883] = {282915883, -1847829453, "p_door_nbx_art01x_r", 2659.225830078125, -1152.3682861328125, 55.25062561035156} |
2nd Floor | Doorhashes |
Apartment 3 Door | [3998232338] = {3998232338, 471175027, "p_doornbdaly01x", 2649.316650390625, -1163.171630859375, 59.3323974609375} |
Apartment 3 Balcony Door | [2425484475] = {2425484475, 2086973760, "p_door_nbx_art01x_l", 2659.93896484375, -1160.610107421875, 58.32260131835937} [1121016119] = {1121016119, -1847829453, "p_door_nbx_art01x_r", 2659.935302734375, -1161.653076171875, 58.32260131835937} |
Apartment 4 Door | [9065350] = {9065350, 471175027, "p_doornbdaly01x", 2650.281494140625, -1157.5556640625, 59.32996368408203} |
Apartment 4 Balcony Door | [1962163584] = {1962163584, 2086973760, "p_door_nbx_art01x_l", 2647.60986328125, -1150.6077880859375, 58.31861114501953} [659202602] = {659202602, -1847829453, "p_door_nbx_art01x_r", 2648.64990234375, -1150.6077880859375, 58.31861114501953} |
3rd Floor | Doorhashes |
Apartment 5 Door | [568334161] = {568334161, -619255230, "p_door11x_beecher", 2649.883056640625, -1160.0037841796875, 63.12262725830078} |
Apartment 6 Door | [799453918] = {799453918, -619255230, "p_door11x_beecher", 2649.915771484375, -1158.65478515625, 63.12262725830078} |
Apartment 7 Door | [430311137] = {430311137, -619255230, "p_door11x_beecher", 2646.3935546875, -1151.513427734375, 63.11132049560547} |
Basement | Doorhashes |
Storage Door | [944325383] = {944325383, -798350419, "p_door_val_jail_cell01x", 2653.845458984375, -1165.9052734375, 44.5897216796875} |